Sunday, March 3, 2013

Frogs Go A Courtin

Bullfrog by Burg Ransom
Searching in an old nature journal I found these notes on frog calls in Louisiana.  Identifying the frog calls by something familiar helps me know and remember who is calling in these late winter chorus sessions.  The frog that starts a chorus is called a “bout leader.”  Male frogs call to attract females.

Print this list and put it in your nature journal.  Have fun identifying the frogs and toads in your area.

Frog or Toad
The call sounds like…….
Northern cricket frog
two pebbles clicking together.
Upland chorus frog
pulling thumb over the teeth of a stiff comb.
Spring peepers
a whistle or a peep that rises in pitch at the end.
Bird-voiced tree frog
a “chorus” of birds (birds don’t sing in chorus though).  It is a trill or whistle-like and very melodious.
Gray tree frog
short, high trills. Common in late spring and summer and usually heard overhead.
Green tree frog
“qwuonk” or beating a cowbell with a stick.
Bronze frog
“tunk” or “tunk, tunk, tunk”.  Some say it’s like plucking a banjo.
Leopard frog
a guttural chuckle or rubbing a balloon.
Pickerel  frog
a barely audible snore.
Southern crawfish frog
a deep snore.
a deep bellow or jug-a-rum.
Woodhouse toad
a nasal “whaaaaah.”  Hold your nose and say it.
Narrowmouth toad
an electric buzzer.
Spadefoot toad
a sudden deep “mwaaaaah.”


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